Parent Involvement


Show your Son the importance of their Scouting experience by becoming involved in the Troop, in some way.

Give a steady stream of praise when your Scout learns a new skill or accomplishes a goal.

Plan to spend just one regularly scheduled hour per week with your Scout to help him review, organize his thoughts, establish goals, and work to accomplish one item that can be signed off at the Troop’s next meeting.

Allow your Scout to choose the merit badges that interest him.

Learn Scouting lessons and skills with your Scout.

Gently encourage your Scout to take ownership of his own Scouting experience by helping him to realistically evaluate his goals and plot a steady course toward achieving them.

Allow other Scout Leaders to provide your Scout with needed correction and discipline while gathered for Troop activities and while on camp-outs. Your Scout will have a much more enjoyable time growing in leadership and taking ownership of his Scouting program if he is allowed to spread his own wings and explore his own limitations. This is a difficult lesson in “hands off” encouragement, but don’t worry! The other dads are expecting you to offer their sons the same type of support.